Different Kinds of Cables For Your Business Needs
Proper cabling infrastructure is the backbone of your AV, fire and security, IT and two-way communications systems. It improves network performance and avoids costly maintenance delays. It also ensures you can keep pace with future technology speeds without tearing down your building walls. Work with cabling infrastructure professionals that have your company’s best interest in mind.
Fiber Optic Cable
Glass strands are used to create fiber optic cables, which transmit light pulses to network terminals, transforming them into data signals for use in business networking. They’re a common choice in computer networks due to their higher bandwidth than copper wires and are less prone to signal loss over long distances. They’re also commonly used in telecommunications and cable television and have found their way into automotive wiring systems. They can support high-speed, long-distance network wiring and are much more durable than copper cabling.
Cat6 Cable
When it comes to network cabling, you want your infrastructure to be able to grow with your technology speeds. It means you’ll need to install a network cable with enough bandwidth for your business needs. Category 6 (Cat6) cables have multiple sets of two insulated wires twisted together and are the current standard for most business networks. They reduce alien crosstalk, which increases data transfer rates and can support Gigabit Ethernet speeds. This is a good option for businesses that use power over ethernet devices like cameras, VoIP telephone systems and automatic door access points. It’s also cost-effective compared to fiber optic cable infrastructure and lasts about ten years.
Cat5e Cable
The newest industry-standard cable for business networking. An enhanced version of Cat5 with improved performance over longer distances, better signal quality, and lower alien crosstalk. Choosing the right lines for your business is key to maximizing the performance of your IT infrastructure. A reputable cabling partner will take the time to ask you about your current and future data needs. They will assess your business, the devices you use, and even the type of Internet connectivity you have so they can make an informed recommendation. The result is a superior network that will last you for years How2Invest.
Cat4 Cable
Whether you’re running a training facility, executive office or manufacturing plant, dependable Internet and cabling infrastructure is crucial. Choosing the best cabling will save your company money in the long run. Effective structured cabling organizes data cables into a neat bundle. It helps prevent messy tangles and ensures your entire network is connected efficiently. There are six components to a structured cabling system: horizontal cabling, vertical cabling, entrance facility, consolidation point, telecommunications enclosure, and work area. Each has its specific purpose.
Cat3 Cable
A network cabling system combines your business’s telecommunication systems into one organized collection of data cables. It reduces the number of cords that would otherwise be a tripping hazard and improves your business’s network speed and performance. If your company has reached its bandwidth limit with a standard Cat5 cable, you can upgrade to a more expensive but faster Gigabit Ethernet cable. This cable type uses augmented specifications that double transmission frequencies and reduce alien crosstalk to support higher speeds without additional hardware. A reputable network cabling partner will ask you about your current and future needs to determine the best infrastructure for your business. It saves you time, money and allows your infrastructure to grow with your business.
Cat2 Cable
Cat2 cable is the second lowest grade of unshielded twisted-pair cabling. It features a maximum frequency bandwidth of 1 MHz and supports data transmissions up to 4 Mbps. This cable was used mainly as premise wiring for legacy IBM token ring networks and is not recommended for modern networking applications. If you’re planning to install new devices, it’s time to upgrade your cabling infrastructure to a higher category. It will ensure that your network can handle the data demands of tomorrow. Choosing the right cable type will greatly affect your business’s efficiency and productivity.
Cat1 Cable
Whether installing network cables at a new construction office building or re-cabling your existing business, it’s important to understand the types of wires and what they do. You can choose a cabling infrastructure that will suit your company’s networking needs and ensure a system that will serve you for years without significant upgrades. Upfront cabling infrastructure planning is worth it, in the long run, to avoid having to rip up and replace your networking systems as you upgrade your hardware. Work with a cabling infrastructure vendor who has your best interest in mind and will make honest assessments of your network cabling needs.