The Best 6 Ways to Track Employee Hours for Your Small Business

The Best 6 Ways to Track Employee Hours for Your Small Business

Whether you’re an employee or owner of a small business, tracking your hours to see if you’re earning enough money can be tricky. With 6 different options to choose from, there’s sure to be something that works for your team and your budget! These are the best ways to track employee hours.

1) Use the tools available in your employee scheduling software

If you’re using a software-based employee scheduling solution, there are lots of ways to track hours. Some allow you to enter hours at the time of scheduling and others require manual entry. Here’s some information about your options

2) Use an Excel Spreadsheet

If you’re a small business owner that’s just starting out, it can be tricky to keep track of employee hours. With so many other tasks on your plate, you may want to find an easy way to manage your employees’ hours. Here are six ways to do just that! -Use an Excel Spreadsheet: If you’re just starting out, this is the simplest option.

-Set a recurring alarm in Google Calendar: The alarm should remind the employee and notify them when they’ve clocked in and clocked out.

-Ask Employees to send updates via email or text: Schedule meetings every few months with each team member and request updates during these meetings as well as before and after.

3) Get some help from an app

There are many apps out there that can help you to track your employees’ hours and simplify payroll. There are also apps that will allow you to track the hours of multiple employees simultaneously. This is ideal for small businesses, who may have a large number of hourly workers. Here are six of the best apps out there

4) Add on a virtual assistant to do it

If you’re a small business owner, it’s your responsibility to track employee hours. Virtual assistant companies like Zirtual can take on this task so that you can focus on what really matters.

5) Print calendars

Print calendars are a great way to keep track of hours, especially if you have multiple employees. You can buy them at any office supply store and they’re relatively inexpensive. Give one to each employee and make sure they update it daily.

6) Hire a bookkeeper or accountant

If you’re running a small business, there are many tasks that fall on your shoulders. One of those is calculating and paying employees their salaries. Paying employees can be tricky to keep track of, which is where an accountant can come in handy. A bookkeeper can also help you with this task, if they have experience with payroll.