The 10 Best SEO Audit Tools for Small Businesses in 2022

The 10 Best SEO Audit Tools for Small Businesses in 2022

SEO Audit Tools for Small Businesses: Whether you are just starting out or have been in business since the beginning of time, it’s important to take time every year to audit your search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. A yearly SEO audit allows you to check on your progress and make any necessary changes that will help your business continue to grow throughout the year. Before you dive into an audit, it’s important to know what tools can help you analyze your website and provide actionable information and suggestions based on their findings.

1) Wordtracker

Wordtracker is an advanced platform that can be utilized by marketers, influencers, and small business owners to find keywords and their popularity. It not only features advanced keyword analysis tools but also great social media marketing analytics too. You can set up a free account with Wordtracker to track your campaign, analyze your content performance against specific phrases, improve website rankings and more. All you need is a Google account and email address to get started. Plus, this tool has some handy paid tiers if you want to upgrade! Wordtracker really helped my online blog grow because I knew which keywords people were using while they searched online and I was able to create more of the content they wanted based on those popular topics.

2) Serpstat

Serpstat is a cutting-edge competitor to Google Analytics. It has an unbeatable search visibility analysis feature, making it perfect for running an SEO audit. In addition, Serpstat also gives very useful insight into organic traffic and backlinks at the keyword level. This can be used to figure out which keywords are ranking well and need less optimization, as well as which ones you should prioritize more on your next content push. In contrast to the complicated tools of Google’s analytics package, Serpstat has a simpler user interface and intuitive menu navigation that makes this process much easier.

3) Backlink Watch

Backlink Watch is an affordable and user-friendly SEO audit tool that I recommend to small businesses looking to keep track of backlinks and improve their rankings. Backlink Watch takes the guesswork out of getting your website ranking on Google. You can either pay monthly or annually, making it a flexible option for any business with a tight budget. This product is effective because it is easy to use with many different tools offered and targeted towards small businesses. I highly recommend this product to entrepreneurs who need help growing their digital footprint. If you are searching for a way to create buzz around your company, Backlink Watch has all the data you need to make smart decisions about marketing campaigns and lead generation. For $1/month, you get access to up-to-date information about your own website’s performance including competitor analysis and overall site ranking.

4) Open Site Explorer

I don’t need Open Site Explorer! said the small business owner, I’m already ranking number one on Google! or so they think. Every savvy entrepreneur should have a robust and effective marketing strategy that incorporates both search engine optimization (SEO) and paid advertising to drive web traffic to their sites. This can be time-consuming, especially for those of us who are running a small business! We have a hard enough time trying to stay ahead of all the latest trends, and keep up with social media–the last thing we want is to add more work!

There’s no need! That’s why we’ve assembled this list of ten amazing tools to help you plan your entire campaign without having to read yet another 800-page book on how things work.

5) Majestic Section

Majestic is one of the best, if not the best, free SEO tool on the market. It has all the necessary information to manage your online marketing, rankings and link profile. You can quickly see what domains you’re linking to and find out where else you should be acquiring links from or building new ones. This is a no-frills tool that’s been around for over ten years and will be around for many more. If you’re looking for simple website tracking and monitoring Majestic may just be your best bet.

6)SEMrush Section

Semrush is one of the most well-known and established web marketing tools. It is actually a complete suite that includes paid services, such as SEMrush Pro, but also a free version with limited capabilities. One of the most useful features of Semrush is its powerful organic search engine optimization tool that has the ability to identify how many keywords a site ranks for and the domains competing with it. It can even identify potential keywords that you can rank your site high on by looking at sites that rank higher than you.

7)Advanced Web Ranking Section

Google relies on many factors to determine rank, including the relevance of the website, its content, and its backlinks. This is why Advanced Web Ranking is such a valuable tool for a small business owner. Advanced Web Ranking will provide you with an extensive report detailing both good and bad points about your site’s performance with Google algorithms. You can also see how your site ranks against similar sites with its own SEO audit tool. This will provide helpful insight into how you can make adjustments to improve your ranking.

8)Ahrefs Section

Ahrefs offers a one-stop solution to all of your backlink and searches query needs. From identifying your competitor’s backlinks, gathering keywords, and researching competitor search performance, Ahrefs covers it all. However, unlike other tools, Ahrefs has both desktop and browser versions available. This means you can work offline and then update any changes you make when you are back online. The best part is that the service is completely free with no limits on how many searches or how much data can be queried.

9)Accuranker Section

Accuranker is a comprehensive Google, Facebook, and Twitter ranking audit tool. Accuranker has helped over 600,000 companies around the world grow their organic traffic. Accuranker helps identify your brand’s visibility on Google and YouTube search engines, social media sites, websites, or blogs. Reports generate a total of 350 key data points to help you pinpoint areas of opportunity with detailed information on where your company ranks and what to do next. Simply plug your keyword into the free basic website audit to instantly uncover valuable insights!

10)Link Diagnosis

Developing a successful digital marketing strategy is no longer an option – it’s an absolute necessity. This holds true even for small businesses, but many don’t have the resources to hire an expert digital marketer, which is why the need to find digital marketing tools that can help them remains so high.

Fortunately, there are lots of different types of free and paid tools out there that enable even inexperienced marketers to create and execute professional-grade campaigns that keep their company running smoothly.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through 10 different types of SEO audit tools for small businesses in 2022 as well as some tips on how best to use them. These tools will allow you to do everything from tracking your web presence to analyzing competitors’ online activity to generating new leads and managing your social media presence. Here they are:

1) Google Analytics

2) Moz Link Diagnosis Tool

3) Ahrefs Site Explorer

4) BuzzSumo Content Analyzer Tool

5) SEMrush Site Auditor Tool

6) Monitor Backlinks Tool

7) SERPview Keyword Research Tool

8 ) Wordstream AdWords Performance Grader

9 ) Excel Text Analyzer

10 ) Social Media Scheduling Tools