How to Build a Professional Website for Free in 3 Steps With Simple Site

How to Build a Professional Website for Free in 3 Steps With Simple Site

If you’re just starting out in your field, building a professional website can seem like an unnecessary luxury. However, having a website can significantly boost your business’s success rate by presenting your business and products in the best possible light and connecting you with potential clients who are searching for companies like yours online. Luckily, you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to create an attractive website—all you need is SimpleSite! With these three steps, you can build your free website from scratch in less than 10 minutes!

1) Creating your account

  1. Click the green Register button and follow the on-screen instructions.
  2. Type your email address (for account validation) and desired username into the Create your account field. Select I agree to their Terms of Service and click Next.
  3. Type your password, and create it by following the on-screen directions (or use one you already have). Re-type your password into the Password Re-Type box then click Create Account! Now that you’re registered, go ahead and take a tour of the site’s features to see what is available. Now that you’ve taken the tour, go ahead and start building your website! To begin, pick from any of these templates: Classic, Corporate, Elegant, Fashionista, Glamour, Hipster, and Modern.

The key to creating a great website is using a template with high-quality design and professional fonts. And SimpleSite has just that! You can also find themes based on your specific needs like business or personal websites too. If you need help deciding which template to choose for your blog or portfolio homepage layout, don’t worry – there are plenty of articles about designing with our blog platform so you can learn more about how our company works before getting started. Once you have chosen your template be sure to fill out the necessary fields such as text boxes for title and description – this way you will be able to preview what your site will look like before publishing it live!

2) Selecting a template

Select the template that best fits your company. If you are unsure, pick the one with more than five and less than ten templates so that you have more choices to choose from. If you have no idea what type of site you need, simply start by picking the first one and working your way down until you find something suitable. Simply click on it and save it to preview it or continue selecting different templates until you are satisfied with your final decision.

Selecting a domain name is next on our list! No need to fret though because SimpleSite will do this for us when we select our template if we decide not to use their default one already provided. Simply fill out the information required such as what would you like to call your website.

After choosing which template design you want, then select a domain name. You can either make up your own or buy one through them (which is more expensive). If you want to make up your own, be sure to avoid any trademarked names and make sure that it has at least three words before .com (or whatever other extension) in order to get an easy-to-remember URL.

After filling out the form with all the necessary information, select Get Started, and congratulations! Your professional website is now ready to go live within minutes! Once you’re done, all you need to do is copy the Direct Access link they provide and paste it into your browser address bar or open it on your phone’s browser. It will take you directly to your website and even allow changes without having to log back in! The best part about creating a free website with SimpleSite is that there are no hidden fees afterward. There’s nothing stopping you from uploading files, videos, pictures, blogs, and much more for free. Even better yet – there’s also no limit on how many people can visit your site every day!

Good luck building a free professional website with SimpleSite – we’ll see ya soon!

3) Customizing your site

  1. Personalize the site with your logo, color scheme, and tagline by clicking on Layout in the top menu bar.
  2. Upload your cover photo by clicking on Cover Photo under Appearance. Click on your computer’s camera icon and take a photo or choose one from your library. Be sure to crop it so that only you are visible if you don’t want anyone else featured! Save it as 800×1200 pixels.
  3. Edit your header by clicking on Header under Appearance. Choose an image and size, or upload one of your own design templates—but be careful not to exceed the length limit!
  4. Write your first blog post by clicking on Write at the top right corner of the page. Add images, videos, and links to other articles on your website so that visitors can see what you’re all about quickly and easily.
  5. Select Save Draft when you’re done writing this blog post, then keep adding new posts until you’ve created a well-rounded website about yourself or your business!
  6. Once you’re finished with this part of building your website, save it by following these instructions: click Settings in the top left corner > scroll down to Publish my changes > and click Publish changes.
  7. Go ahead and share this new professional site with friends or family members who might find it interesting too! And don’t forget to update your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, etc.
  8. Finally, keep up with the latest trends in web design and use a simple HTML editor like Dreamweaver or Wix Code site to modify elements of your website instead of editing code directly through SimpleSite if you want more customization options.
  9. Learn how to get your website live by reading our helpful guide here.
  10. Don’t forget to add a contact form or lead generation tool to help grow your list using ConvertKit or ActiveCampaign if you want even more ways for people to stay connected with you after they visit your site!
  11. Now go check out some free theme designs for professional websites below and pick out the perfect one for you!